2019 Black Friday – New Bonuses



So if you’re reading this, then you already have Roman’s DVDs volumes 1 through 117.

First, this year we’ve added volumes 118 and 119.

Roman’s Lab Vol: 119 New Lines and Novelties In The Nimzo & Bogo Indian & Roman’s Games

Roman’s Lab Vol: 118 New lines and theory in The Scotch & Roman’s Game with Tal

Then Paul added…



Karpov on Roman – 3 DVDs
Karpov’s Best Games (Karpov) – 4 DVDs
Karpov on the CaroKann – 1 DVD
Karpov Anti English Crunch – 1 DVD


That’s another 9 DVDs


Then Paul added 18 volumes of Grandmaster Magazine…


Grandmaster Magazine volumes 1-18

  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 1-4: GM DVD Brilliance!
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 5: Anand, Kasparov, Short, Yusupov and Ivanchuk
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 6: Shirov Games, Games against Bareev and Zhuravliov
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 7: Dortmund 1992 / Kasparov Short 1994 WCC Semi Finals
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 8: Fischer-Spassky 1992 Rematch
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 9: Kasparov-Short 1993 World Championship Match
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 10: Intel Grand Prix MOSCOW 1994 Kasparov, Anand, Short
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 11: Intel Grand Prix N.Y. Kasparov, Kramnik, Ivanchuk
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 12: Intel Grand Prix LONDON 1994 World Championship
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 13: Intel Grand Prix Paris 1994- Finals
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 14: Moscow 1995 Knock-out Chess as Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 15: N.Y. 1995 Knock-out Chess as Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 16: London 1995 Knock-out Chess as Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 17: Paris 1995 Knock-out Chess as Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik
  • Grandmaster Magazine DVD Collection 18: Intel World Championship Knock-out

Another 18 DVDs


With the 9 new bonus DVDs from Kasparov and the 18 Grandmaster bonus DVDs that’s…

…a total of 29 DVDs of video.

How much would it be worth to get all 29 DVDs?

Again, at the usual $15.95 per DVD that’s $462.55

Paul has two options.


Option one has all of the videos delivered to you on a flash drive.


Shipped on a flash drive

Get the content from all 29 bonus DVDs…

Order on a flash drive with free shipping

You can play those videos on any computer with a USB port.


And option two is for the tech savvy player who just wants the content delivered to his computer fast.


Downloaded to your computer

Get the content from all 29 bonus DVDs…

Order the videos via download

You don’t even have to wait for them to arrive. Paul will be emailing you within one business day with your high speed download link.


That is a lot of time you’ll be spending with a grandmaster who is bent on making you better in each lesson.

Good luck in 2020!

Mike Leahy
The Database Man

So that’s 29 bonus DVDs of grandmaster instruction delivered the way you like it. Choose your favorite:

Option A is $69 for the content on a flash drive shipped for free to your door

Option B is $49 for the content available via download

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