2021 Black Friday Additional Bonuses


Breaking news!

So it’s my fault, kinda. I did the math wrong on counting the number of “DVD titles” versus the number “hours of video instruction” in the original offer page.

But then Paul decided to ‘fix’ the problem by cramming even more videos onto those USB drives and in those download links. I won’t even bother trying to count them now.

Here is a hastily posted list of the videos that have been ADDED to the Black Friday deal. They are worth the price alone, but now they are all FREE and automatically INCLUDED when you order this year’s bundle…

GM Mednis, GM Wolff & IM Kopec Collection (13 Digital DVDs) Download

Includes the following Programs:

  • King and Pawn Endgames – Mednis (108 mins)
  • Rook and Pawn Endgames – Mednis (114 mins)
  • Middlegame Analysis – Mednis (120 mins)
  • Tactics, Middle & Endgame – Mednis (120 mins)
  • Defence and Counterattack – Wolff (116 mins)
  • How To Play Winning Attacks – Wolff (105 mins)
  • Middlegame Planning – Wolff (92 mins)
  • How To Analyze a Chess Position – Kopec (120 mins)
  • How To Visualize Chess Combinations – Kopec (159 mins)
  • Pawn Structures and How To Play Them – Kopec (120 mins)
  • Opening Pawn Structures Advanced Concepts vol 1 (120 mins)
  • Opening Pawn Structures Advanced Concepts vol 2 (121 mins)
  • The Kopec System c3 Beating The Sicilian (149 mins)

Defense & Counterattack by G.M. Wolf

Chess is a struggle! In this video, twice US Chess Champion GM Patrick Wolff (1992 & 1995) teaches the defensive techniques that have been developed by grandmasters.

The author shows you how to: Defend and protect the weaknesses in your position and how to protect your king; Strengthen your position; Defend difficult and inferior positions: Beat off attacks, and assume the initiative; Develop counterplay using tactical and strategical methods, and much more.

Wolff illustrates the key concepts he presents in this video by including deftly analyzed games from the Linares grandmaster tournament of 1994

Rook & Pawn Endgames – GM Edmar Mednis

In this DVD, GM Edmar Mednis – a recognized authority on the endgame – teaches the viewer the fundamentals of rook and pawn endings, including: the importance of rook activation and rook placement, the Lucena position, and the Philidor position.

Mednis offers instructive examples involving passed pawns and connected passed pawns, disconnected passed pawns, outside passed pawns, and more complex positions requiring conversion of a material advantage. The author provides the student with a thorough grounding in the basic principles and practical aspects of rook and pawn endgame play.

Total approximate running time: 114 minutes

Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Vol.1) – IM Danny Kopec

Tired of memorizing opening variations? Continuing from where his previous DVD “Pawn Structures and How To Play Them” leaves off, internationally respected teacher – IM Dr. Danny Kopec – has created a landmark DVD (in two volumes) that uses a unique approach to enable you to improve your opening play.

Dr. Kopec will show you how to develop effective middlegame plans based on opening pawn structures.

Volume 2 (this volume) covers the Maroczy Bind, the Caro Structure, the Slav structure, Queen’s Gambit structures, King’s Indian and Benoni structures, and the Nimzo-Indian and French/Winawer-type structures.

Total approximate running time: 122 minutes

Shirov’s Best Games Collection (8 Digital DVDs) Download

Includes the following Programs:

  • Shirov’s Best Games vol 1 – Shirov (118 mins)
  • Shirov’s Best Games vol 2 – Shirov (104 mins)
  • Shirov’s Best Games vol 3 – Shirov (90 mins)
  • Shirov’s Best Games vol 4 – Shirov (90 mins)
  • Shirov’s Best Games vol 5 – Shirov (97 mins)
  • Shirov-Kramnik 1998 WCC vol 1 – Shirov (128 mins)
  • Shirov-Kramnik 1998 WCC vol 2 – Shirov (127 mins)
  • Shirov’s Best Endgames – Shirov (115 mins)

International superstar Alexei Shirov provides his first-hand account of his 1998 clash in Cazorla, Spain with Vladimir Kramnik – in a match held to decide who would become the Official Challenger to WCC World Champion Garry Kasparov in a World Championship Match.

In this DVD, Shirov discusses the psychological aspects of match play at the highest level, reveals his preparation, and analyzes all nine games from the match in detail.

Total approximate running time: 175 minutes

In the first volume of a series of DVDs dedicated to his best games, 1998 WCC World Championship Challenger Alexei Shirov deeply analyzes his razor-sharp encounters with Gheorghiu (Moscow 1989), Bareev (Lviv 1990), Hauchard (Paris 1990), and Lautier (Manila 1990). Shirov searches for the truth and beauty in his games and provides the viewer with a fascinating display of chess vision at the pinnacle of tournament chess.

Total approximate running time: 118 minutes

In chess, the endgame is where calculation and intuition reign supreme. In the final stages of a game, one fleeting moment might define the difference between victory, a draw, or even defeat.

In this DVD dedicated to his best endgames, international chess superstar Alexei Shirov deeply analyzes some of his best endgames including those against Ruzhyale (Kramatorsk 1989), Akopian (Oakham 1992), Kramnik (Wijk aan Zee 1998), Timman (Wijk aan Zee 1998), Topalov (Linares 1998) and Kramnik (Linares 1998).

Total approximate running time: 115 minutes

Prelude to Armageddon

Ray Keenes’s chess DVDs are noted for their excellent archival footage. The prelude includes interviews with Viktor Korchnoi and live footage of Kasparov, Karpov, Timman, Najdorf, and Short to name but a few. The coverage takes place in London in 1983 and 1984 when Kasparov had to face Korchnoi for the right to challenge Karpov while, the following year, Karpov himself won first prize in the star-studded London grandmaster tournament.
Ray Keene is a chess grandmaster who writes regularly for the Times newspaper, has published over 130 books, and organized three world chess championships. He has also made hundreds of television appearances. He is the main commentator for all three DVDs.
volume 1 – 22 minutes, volume 2 – 57 minutes.

Great British Chess Triumphs 1 & 2

Once again Impala brings chess fans incredible archive footage ö for decades feared lost ö of British wins by Nigel Short, Tony Miles and Jon Speelman against two of the greatest world champions.

The DVDs feature the player’s own remarks and have an overall commentary by GM Ray Keene.

DVD One:

Miles beat Karpov (1983)

Miles beats Karpov in a brilliant cliffhanger but was then deprived of his moment of glory when BBC technicians went on strike and refused to screen the game. Impala has now located long lost footage of this incredible win in archives in Berlin and for the first time, this historic Black win by Miles is presented to the chess-playing public.

Speelman beats Kasparov (1989)

Running time: 2 hours +

GM Keene collection

Vol.1 Duel of The Minds Raymond Keene (84 mins.)
Vol.2 Duel of The Minds Raymond Keene (86 mins.)
Vol.3 Duel of The Minds Raymond Keene (84 mins.)
Vol.4 Duel of The Minds Raymond Keene (87 mins.)
Prelude to Armageddon Vol.1 Raymond Keene (82 mins.)
Prelude to Armageddon Vol.2 Raymond Keene (177 mins.)
Great British Chess Triumphs Vol.1 Raymond Keene  (120 mins)
Great British Chess Triumphs Vol.2 Raymond Keene (120 mins.)
How To Play Like Kasparov and Short Raymond Keene 120 mins.

Master Chess Duels of the Mind (4 DVDs) – Raymond Keene

Originally broadcast on Thames television in 1989 this 4 DVD set features all 12 programs making up Keeneâs selection of the twelve best games of chess. Running time: 6 hours.

To introduce the games, Keene describes the players and the times they lived in, giving many amusing and startling facts, and illustrating the whole with photographs and snatches of film.

DVD 1: Anderssen – Kieseritsky (1851), Paulsen – Morphy (1857) & Zukertort – Blackburne (1883)8000 is a multi-chess engine interface pre-loaded with 9 of the World’s Strongest Engines. This is a MUST HAVE for tournament chess players who want to improve their game with some of the best databases ever created.

Animate, Analyze, Annotate & Play against top engines.

Includes 2 Million Master Level Games. Five engines rated over 3000!. Easy to use database system that searches for Players, Openings, & Results. GrandMaster statistical tree, ECO codes, Analyses Games, Imports and exports PGN files.

CCRL Ratings of (3306, 3279, 3242, 3126, 3091
Using the chess engine “Ruffian,” this 7GB database of endgames allows you to play and analyze the perfect endgames with 5 pieces or less. This is the ultimate tool for studying endgame theory.
Also included is a large collection of commercially available database of chess games containing 2 million games.

Pro Chess Mentor Series (vol 1&2) 3 hours 46 minutes


Pro Chess: The Video Chess Mentor Series

Chess is a materialistic game. FORCE is the most important element. The player who gains an advantage in the Force Count will win ninety percent of the time.

The player with a SPACE advantage has the more valuable pieces. The Space Count determines the players roles as attacker and/or defender.

The TIME COUNT is determined by mobilizing our Pieces and Pawns from their original squares.

PAWN STRUCTURE is the best factor for finding a plan. There are three categories of Pawn Structures: Weak; Balanced; and Dynamic. There are three types of positions: Closed, Half Open and Open. Pawn Trades determine the type of position.
“Pawns are the Souls of Chess.” Dominican Philidor.

Your Instructor
International Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan

Designed for all levels of players from novice to master!

You will improve your game after a single viewing. I guarantee it! Yasser Seirawan

120 minutes

Study Segment #1 – An Introduction:
The Board, the Pieces and their Properties.
The 4 Elements of Chess: Force, Space, Time and Pawn Structure.
A Classical Opening Example.
Study Segment #2 – Novice/Intermediate:
Common Pawn Structures – How to Play With or Against.
14 Tactical Ideas with Strategic Demonstrations.


Pro Chess: The Video Chess Mentor Series

Chess is a materialistic game. FORCE is the most important element. The player who gains an advantage in the Force Count will win ninety percent of the time.

The player with a SPACE advantage has the more valuable pieces. The Space Count determines the players roles as attacker and/or defender.

The TIME COUNT is determined by mobilizing our Pieces and Pawns from their original squares.

PAWN STRUCTURE is the best factor for finding a plan. There are three categories of Pawn Structures: Weak; Balanced; and Dynamic. There are three types of positions: Closed, Half Open and Open. Pawn Trades determine the type of position.
“Pawns are the Souls of Chess.” Dominican Philidor.

Your Instructor
International Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan

Designed for all levels of players from novice to master!

120 minutes

Study Segment #3 – Intermediate/Advanced:
Advanced Pawn Structures – How to Play with or against.
Reinforce the 14 Tactics/

Study Segment #4 – Intermediate/Advanced:
Two Motivations ATTACK and DEFEND.
Playing with an Advantage or a Disadvantage in Force, Space and Time.
End Game Strategies.

Chess is a materialistic game. FORCE is the most important element. The player who gains an advantage in the Force Count will win ninety percent of the time.

The player with a SPACE advantage has the more valuable pieces. The Space Count determines the players roles as attacker and/or defender.

The TIME COUNT is determined by mobilizing our Pieces and Pawns from their original squares.

Kasparov Deep Blue 1997 Rematch (vol 1&2) 3 hours 20 minutes

GM Yasser Seirawan presents analysis and commentary from the 1997 match between PCA World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov and IBM’s chess supercomputer Deep Blue. Seirawan, with the able assistance of his friend and fellow grandmaster Ron Henley, provides the viewer with riveting and penetrating insights into this historic chess event.

200 minutes.

Your Instructor
International Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan

Designed for all levels of players from novice to master!

You will improve your game after a single viewing. I guarantee it! Yasser Seirawan

That’s a ridiculous amount of new material for free.

At the usual $15.95 per DVD that’s over $3,065.25.

Keep reading. Don’t let that price scare you.

Who would buy every single DVD anyway? It would have to be a fantastic deal for you to get them all, right?

How much would it be worth to get all those DVDs?

How much stronger would you be after you watched just your favorites?

Paul has three options.

The first option is for old school people like me who want the actual physical DVDs shipped to their door.

(I’m old school. This is my 59th trip around the sun so I favor the actual DVDs.)

Option one has all of the videos delivered to you on a USB flash drive. Plug it into any computer and watch the videos.

Shipped on a flash drive

Get the contents of all the DVDs in the original bundle along with the White Lion bonus repertoire, the Scholar’s mate Qh5 opening, and the new Jobava London lines presented in three hours AND every title described above…

Click here for this limited time offer $125

Yep, that’s even less (less than one dollar per each title) and you can play those videos on any computer with a USB port. Carry all of your material on a thumb drive in your pocket.

Option two is for the tech savvy player who just wants the content delivered to his computer fast. You can copy them to your own USB drive or move the video files to any device that will play video.

Downloaded to your computer

Get the contents of all the DVDs in the original bundle along with the White Lion bonus repertoire, the Scholar’s mate Qh5 opening, and the new Jobava London lines presented in three hours AND every title described above…

Click here to get everything via download $99

That’s ridiculous at something like 82 cents per DVD and you don’t even have to wait for them to arrive. Paul will email you with a high speed Amazon server download link.

If you really are planning on studying a little chess next year then you must be salivating over all that time you’ll be spending with a grandmaster who is bent on making you better in each lesson.

Good luck in 2022!

Mike Leahy
The Database Man

So that’s the content of all those DVDs of grandmaster instruction – plus the three bonus repertoires – delivered the way you like it. Choose your favorite:

Option A is $125 for the content on a flash drive shipped for free to your door

Option B is $99 for the content available via download