2021 Black Friday Special
You’re studying chess.
You already use the best openings / endgames / tactics software.
Now, could you use some ideas?
And would you learn best if a grandmaster were instructing you?
And (if you’re honest) would you also say that you are likely to forget much of it before your next game?
So have you considered studying grandmaster lessons recorded on video? So that you can pause it and review it at your own pace?
Maybe you thought the material wouldn’t cover openings you were interested in?
What if I could show you a way to have your pick of recorded grandmaster instruction with more topics than you probably can watch in all of next year?
What if I offered it to you at a price you wouldn’t believe?
Like “less than $3 per DVD” inexpensive?
This is only going to happen this weekend through Monday November 29th, ‘Cyber Monday.’
Here is a list of the 187 DVD titles along with short descriptions of what you will learn…
Vol. 194 Magnus Carlsen Norwegian Rat Part 3- 2 hours 30 min. Henley |
That’s 94 DVD’s worth of material.
At the usual $15.95 per DVD that’s $1,499.30.
Keep reading. Don’t let that price scare you.
Who would buy every single DVD anyway? It would have to be a fantastic deal for you to get them all, right?
Paul is also adding this for free to the Black Friday Special (only for Bookup customers):
1…b6 Dynamic Repertoire for Black Part 1 The Owens Defence GM Henley includes CB & PGN game file 3 hours 25 min
Foxy Vol. 189
White Repertoire in 1 Hour
The White Lion (a slow poison) Easy to Learn Hard to get Beat, even when playing against a Computer. Try it! This opening is the reverse of the Black Lion or Philidor which starts out 1..d6 2. c6 3.Nf6 with the benefit of an extra more. Play the same system against all that Black can throw at you. The White Lion is great for any player who wants to get familiar positions right out of the opening. How many openings do you learn and never get positions that you study? Black gets to pick the opening now. The White Lion Reverses that with 1.c3 2. d3 & 3. Nf3. The first 3 moves are flexible and can be in any order 1. Nf3 2. d3 3. c3. This will add to Black confusion on how to meet this very solid – and a great ‘time cheating’ – opening. IM Martin includes a great game where a 2700 rated player loses to a player who was rated 500 rating points lower. Ten instructional games that offer White the option of castling on either side of the board or just keeping the King safely in the center. Also included is a very instructional endgame showing how a Knight beats a Bishop even with pawns on both sides of the board and how to win an opposite color Bishop endgame. The system is called The White Lion ‘ slow poison’ and it is rather unconventional. White plays almost without theory, avoiding sharp, tactical lines and turns the game into a battle of patience and will power. Depending on your style of play White has 2 choices: a quicker aggressive setup as well as the slower positional one. Both of these choices will leave your opponent out of the book. Busy people don’t have an enormous amount of time to study chess theory. It would be great if it was possible to get a decent position, especially with White, without having to burn the midnight oil. This is what this all-new Foxy Openings DVD offers. White forces opponents to think for themselves right from the beginning of the game and this is where a lot of average players will start to feel very uncomfortable. Move out of the book and into your book. Use the slow, poisonous approach to win more games with The White Lion. |
That’s another repertoire for White that you can start playing in about an hour, included in the list above.
And did you notice the shocker in that list?
Shock Weapon in 1 hour 90 minutes The Scholars Mate, Queen h5 Attack an unorthodox chess opening characterized by the moves: 1 e4 e5 2 Qh5. We will see Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura on this DVD. They seem quite happy to play 2 Qh5. Why not join them? It’s a shock weapon and has the advantage of being better than it looks. There is hardly any theory. The opponent might feel uncomfortable facing such a move. It’s almost as if Black is suddenly expected to win with White playing like a beginner. The pressure is suddenly on. Easy traps that Black can fall into, especially in 5-minute games. If Black avoids getting mated in the opening White still has a solid game and Black will be left is left to his own resources and most likely unfamiliar positions. Not everyone can cope with this type of unusual pressure. Used at the right time against the right opponent, 2 Qh5 can have a devastating effect. Let FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin show you how. (Free Bonus intro to Colle by Susan Polgar) |
And did you notice this gem?
Jobava London for The Tournament Player – 3 hours
It is rare in the computer era that an entirely new opening system is discovered. Yet this is the case with the Jobava London System. The opening is a fusion of the Veresov and London Systems, where White combines Nc3 and Bf4. Unclear and sharp positions arise from the beginning of the game. In 2020 it is not just the inventor, Georgian GM Baadur Jobava, who is using this system with success. Magnus Carlsen and Nakumara have taken a liking to the idea. Because of their support many other Grandmasters are blazing the new trail like Simon Williams who has been a major contributor to the success of this opening. There are no books even written on the subject so this will be a surprise weapon. Just following the recommended moves can lead to sharp attacks and crushing wins right out of the opening. Caruana and even Kasparov have fallen victim from attacks that seem to come out of nowhere! On this Foxy Openings DVD, IM Andrew Martin introduces you to the opening and then gives repertoire recommendations. You can surprise opponents with this obscure system and have every chance of working up a quick attack. It’s a perfect opening for all players. You will be surprised how effective this opening can be. |
With that extra six bonus hours of instruction, that’s…
…a total of 133 DVDs.
How much would it be worth to get all 133 DVDs?
How much stronger would you be after you watched your favorites?
Paul has three options.
The first option is for people like me who want something physical, already functioning as a backup, the USB drive shipped to their door.
(I’m old school. This is my 60th trip around the sun so I do favor the actual thumb drive.)
Shipped on a flash driveGet the contents of all the DVDs including the White Lion repertoire, the Scholar’s mate Qh5 opening, and the Jobava London lines presented in three hours… Click here for this limited time offer $125 Yep, you can play those videos on any computer with a USB port. Carry all of your material on a thumb drive in your pocket.
The second option is for the tech savvy player who just wants the content delivered to his computer fast.
Downloaded to your computerGet the contents of all the DVDs including the White Lion bonus repertoire, the Scholar’s mate Qh5 opening, and the Jobava London lines presented in three hours… Click here to get everything via download $99 That’s ridiculous at $0.99 cents per DVD and you don’t even have to wait for them to arrive. Paul will email you with a high speed Amazon server download link.
If you really are planning on studying a little chess next year then you must be salivating over all that time you’ll be spending with a grandmaster who is bent on making you better in each lesson.
Good luck in 2022!
Mike Leahy
The Database Man
So that’s the content of 100+ DVDs of grandmaster instruction delivered the way you like it. Choose your favorite: