Beta Test Windows
Last update: Monday, August 8th, 2016
Beta testing is complete. Log in at to get the latest version.
The last beta test installer was for build 58, a FINAL RELEASE version for Windows posted July 19, 2016.
NOTE: As you can see from the change log, it’s now possible to issue updates to the program every few days. More features can be added and bugs (gasp!) can be fixed fast. This version will have more power tools added to it in the coming months.
Build 58 changes:
- Sample ebooks were converted with un-moves so that the red T now appears correctly.
- Added menu item for changing ebooks to “read only.”
- Fixed it so that ebooks remembered their “read only” status.
- Added copy and paste engine analysis.
Build 56 changes:
- Real time backsolving is turned on by default (“Always solve” is checked in program preferences).
- EPD menu has been added for overnight analysis of sets of positions.
- Un-moves are now correctly brought in from older format ebooks. The ‘T’ for transposition now works.
- References to “Beta” are removed.
- Test menu has been removed.
Build 55 changes:
- Choosing ICC Wizard… from the File menu will have you select which type of ICC interface you are using.
- You can now click on the ‘to’ square first when making a move by clicking squares (instead of dragging).
- The ECO code and opening description appear in every ebook window. This can be turned off to allow opening code editing as in the past.
- The Commands menu has Add Moves That Transpose as in the legacy version.
- The Commands menu has Add Pedigree Moves that will add any moves that reach a position in the Pedigree database.
Build 54 changes:
- At startup, an ICC integration wizard will run. It works with ICC for Windows to set up “watched PGN” entries for all the ICC log files.
Build 52 changes:
- The past moves font size changes immediately after editing the program setting.
- Transposition ‘T‘ is now in red.
- Keying in moves now works.
- The watch PGN edit dialog had “Save As” dialogs. It now has proper “Open” dialogs. (Hud D.)
- Clipboard contents are no longer erased when the program starts.
- Training Wizard has been added. (Commands | Training)
Build 51 changes:
- Indicate checks and indicate captures is now working properly. (reported by Jacques P.)
Build 50 made these changes:
- The Watch PGN Files functions have been added. They are described in this YouTube video.
- Fixes the ERangeError and error 216.
- The file name area was widened in the dialog before importing PGN.
- Arrow key navigation has been added. When the candidate list has the focus (after clicking on it) the right arrow key plays the highlighted move, the left arrow key takes back moves and the up and down arrow keys select candidate moves.
- Renaming and deleting ebooks are now functional.
Build 48 made these changes:
- Enhanced startup log file ChessOpeningsWizardStartupLog.TXT in the documents folder to help track down the ERangeError during startup.
- A change was made in the startup to calculate elapsed time differently. It is hoped that is will fix the issue.
Build 46 made these changes:
- Added the startup log file.
Build 45 made these changes:
- Game window is complete. Games stored in PGN format can now be viewed and animated.
- Leaving the search game dialog with all blanks used to get
no games. Now it correctly brings in all games in White player order. - Improvements restoring the ebook window layout
- 1.d4 g5?? 2.Nf3 each show results from the Pedigree tree even though no games start with 1.d4 g5.
The search games, move order tree doesn’t show …g5 as a candidate. Fixed. - Copying and pasting FEN notation works.
- The display of candidate moves has been redesigned in an effort to fix problems with clicking on candidate moves being ignored.
- Crashing on exit with the engine on is fixed.
- Double clicking on the list of open ebook windows in the main window will switch to the window.
- Engine logging is now an option in the program settings.
- Ebook windows can be restored to their default settings.
1) Un-install the previous test version (build 48 or 50 or 55 probably) before installing this one. To un-install the program, click the Start button, choose All Programs and scroll down to click Bookup BETA and then choose Uninstall Chess Openings Wizard 2016 BETA.
2) Install the latest build 58 by running the program in this link: Chess Openings Wizard build 58 installer
3) Run the program and enter your product key. The program takes the same product key you currently use for Chess Openings Wizard Professional. To see the product key in your current copy of Chess Openings Wizard, run the current program and choose Help | About Chess Openings Wizard. You can highlight and copy the key (Ctrl-Insert) to make it easy paste the key (Shift-Insert) into the new test program.
Let me know right away if you have problems with your product key.
Add move guessing to the diagram (clicking on ‘to’ square) as in ChessBase. (Jacques P.)
Add 3D chess board (Ron T.)
ADDED: Have the program allow clicking on the ‘to’ square first. (Jacques P.)
Have the Enter key handle OK buttons. (Jacques P.)
ADDED: Allow changing the font size of the comments and candidates. (Romie C.)
ADDED: Add an indicator that shows which other open ebooks also have the current position. (Ron T.)
Add keyboard shortcuts for Go | Jump to Next Name and Jump to Previous Name (Steven K.)
Add the C.A.P. databank (aka “Joy of Chess”) (Steven K.)
Add Alt-J keyboard shortcut for jumping to positions (Leif W)
Add the ECO printing function (Gerald G)
Known issues:
Access violation at address 00C3A08E in module ‘ChessOpeningsWizrdProfessional2016.exe’. Read address 00000000
when running Stockfish 7. (Jeremy, Steven K.)
FIXED: The sample ebooks were converted with an earlier test version. The red ‘T’ transposition indicator doesn’t appear in those ebooks.
The program is having trouble with underpromotions (promoting a pawn to a knight) (Ron G.) You can type in an underpromotion.
The candidate area can lose focus and won’t react to arrow key navigation when this happens. (Jacques P.)
FIXED: vulcorp found error 216. This error appears to be fixed in build 50.
FIXED: Ricardo (discovercheck) found Range Check error in build 48 using Komodo3-32 engine.
FIXED: Rafael M. and David H. report ERangeError (range check error): 0085BE30
A startup log file has been added (and expanded in build 47) in order to track down the source of the error. The current guess is that this error results if Windows has not been rebooted for the last 23 days.
FIXED: Build 40 can mysteriously not display the list of past moves in the scoresheet area to the right of the diagram.
Xavier B. reports that changing the language letter to P for a Knight ends up displaying a figurine for a pawn.
FIXED: Changing engines requires restarting the program.
FIXED: The icon doesn’t appear correctly. It has a “Delphi” icon rather than the red bishop.
Geoffrey B. reports that only the top candidate can be played by clicking it.
Assumed fixed: Lloyd B. reports “invalid product key.” I tested his key and it works so I’m hoping it’s an issue with copying and pasting it correctly.
FIXED: Hud D. reports blank assessments after importing PGN that should have assessments for each game. Waiting on a copy of that PGN file for testing.
Stan R. reports that the splitter bar below the past moves pane also moves the top splitter bar. I’m still trying to figure out how to get the splitter bars to behave as expected.
FIXED: Stan R. reports the bug where changes to a position (such as deleting a candidate move) are not saved if the very next thing you do is close the ebook.
FIXED: Importing PGN files with FEN notation starting with Black to move causes an error. (Gregg S. provided the sample gms.PGN file.)
Build 32 tested the digital signature of the EXE for Windows 10. It also added Edit|Paste PGN from Clipboard…
Build 41 added:
- Searching for games by move order
- no need to restart program after switching to another engine
Build 40 added:
- engine stability
- no need to restart program after switching to another engine
Build 39 added:
- engines (set to Stockfish by default)
- the ability to set up endgame or tactics positions
- the autofill of the product key from the previous version
- importing books with named positions
- saving the very last changes to an ebook before it is closed
Build 34 added:
- the installation of the sample ebooks
- the ability to set up endgame or tactics positions
- the autofill of the product key from the previous version
- importing books with named positions
- saving the very last changes to an ebook before it is closed
Known issues with build 32:
Build 32 corrects a database problem found in all prior test versions. Any data you have made with prior versions should be deleted (moved to the Recycle Bin) before running the new build. Attempting to open them will cause error messages.
The installer allows you to select your own folder for the sample data (which works) but the program ignores your selection and starts looking in the default folder. You can of course open ebooks wherever you want to store them.
If you import a PGN file containing tactics or puzzles (FEN notation) and use the same starting name/number for those positions it will fail with an error message. To work around this, don’t import the same file twice if it contains FEN notation or pick a different starting name/number for those positions.
Below this line are the instructions for testing previous builds.
Build 16 added importing PGN files.
Here are the three things that need tested by beta testers:
1) Did the installer work? Did the program run successfully after installation?
The program should create unique folders and groups (labeled “ALPHA”) so that nothing is changed about your current Chess Openings Wizard install.
The installer should place everything (except the program and engines) inside your Documents folder. Mine for example is:
C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Chess Openings Wizard ALPHA\Ebooks
Note: This test installer is not digitally signed. Windows will warn you that the Publisher is Unknown.
2) Did the program allow you to create a new ebook and then add the contents of your existing ebooks?
Please try this with each of your existing ebooks. If the program has any problem adding your ebooks to an ebook in in the format let me know as much as you can about the problem (error messages, for example). I may want you to send me your ebook for further testing. This is important as I want every ebook made by every customer to be able to move smoothly to the new format.
The new format is a single file. This “alpha” test does not move multimedia content or PGN games.
Press the button labeled Create New Ebook.
Create a new ebook by giving it a name. The folder should be set to one in your Documents folder. Mine for example is…
C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Chess Openings Wizard\Ebooks
You do not have to type in the .4MD extension, just the name of the ebook.
From the File menu choose Add Ebook…
Change folders to the folder that contains your existing ebooks. That folder by default is…
C:\Chess Openings Files\Ebooks
Select the ebook you want to add to the new empty ebook you just opened.
The progress bar will not change as the positions are being added from your existing ebooks. (This is due to a limitation in the legacy database code.) The number of positions being added will be shown. After the ebook’s contents have been added, you can choose File|About This Ebook… to check the number of positions.
Click through the moves in the book to be sure everything is in order. You can add new moves and edit the comments. Most everything else has been disabled for this test.
The File|AddEbook… function will add the contents of new ebooks and the progress bar will correctly show how far along the process has gone.
3) Did it uninstall correctly?
Testing the uninstaller is critical. After you have completed testing the ability of the program to add the contents of your existing ebooks to ebooks in the new format, uninstall the program.
Note: Do not keep the new ebooks. It is VERY likely that the final version will create ebooks in an expanded format. The final version of the program will not be able to open the test ebooks made by this “alpha” test version.
To run the uninstaller, click on the Windows Start button, choose All Programs, Bookup ALPHA, Uninstall Chess Openings Wizard ALPHA.
After the uninstaller has run, the Chess Openings Wizard folder should remain in your Documents folder but the Ebooks folder should only contain the ebooks that you created. All sample ebooks, fonts, etc. should have been deleted during the uninstall process. Again, do not keep the new ebooks.
When you are done testing this version you should delete the Chess Openings Wizard ALPHA folder in your Documents folder. To delete a folder in Windows Explorer, right click on the folder and choose Delete. Then click the Yes button to move it to the Recycle Bin.
Thanks! Your help in testing the program makes sure that the final version will reliably move your data to the new format.
Why the new data format? The new format places all of your ebook’s data into a single file. That makes it simple to share your ebooks with your friends, your students and your chess coach. Just copy that file and you have a working backup. The new format is also portable to the Macintosh and to the upcoming iPhone and iPad apps.