Fischer’s Opening Secret 7
Years ago Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan was once asked how often he switched chess openings.
Guess how often he switched?
He said every six months or so.
Then he was asked how he went about designing a new repertoire.
He said that he picked a section of the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings and set out to correct all the errors!
Once he felt he had found all the errors, he had a new opening repertoire.
I encourage you to do the same thing.
Now you’re thinking “How can I correct the errors in a book as prestigious as the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings?”
With the power of grandmaster strength computer analysis – available even in the free Express version of Bookup – you can find tactical flaws and generate new moves and ideas in the chess openings no matter what your current playing strength.
But remember what the best of the best do – revamp your opening repertoire every six months.
Imagine what it is like to be able to completely switch chess openings because you know more than one! Your opponents will be dazed and confused. 🙂 Now imagine what it would be like to learn those chess openings quickly and easily.
What would you like to do?
Download the free Chess Openings Wizard Trial with sample ebooks
Buy Chess Openings Wizard (Express or Professional)
Send your questions to the Bookup programmer at

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