Build 132 Update
November 22, 2020
Thanks for keeping your Chess Openings Wizard Professional for Windows updated!
If you play online using Lichess, I think you are going to enjoy this update very much. The new function is detailed in this YouTube video.
You do NOT have to have an account on Lichess to take advantage of this new power tool.
Here are the details:
This version replaces build 127 described here.
The most major enhancement revolves around this window:
In less than ten seconds COW will compare your repertoire with the most recent games played by your lichess opponent allowing you to prepare for your next round at lightning speed.
(For a step-by-step help with getting the most from this new function, watch this YouTube video.)
This new level of Lichess integration is exclusive to the Professional version of Chess Openings Wizard.
As more tournaments take place online, it is far more likely that your opponent’s game are also online.
Before this update, preparing for your next opponent meant downloading his games and comparing them one at a time with your repertoire.
This COW update now does this automatically for you. You select your White and Black repertoire ebook (which could be the same ebook if that’s the way you roll). Then give tell COW whether you have White or Black, the online nickname of your opponent, how many games to research, and which time controls for those games.
Then COW will grab the appropriate games from lichess, create a repertoire from those games, and then when it opens your repertoire you will see red tags showing how your opponent is expected to play against you.
If your opponent has played more than one line, the most recent line will have the largest red tag and the older game lines will have smaller red tags.
If you don’t use lichess then you will want to email Mike to tell him which server you are using. If your server is using an API like lichess then yours will likely be added in a future update.
There are other minor fixes such as importing PGN files with incorrect variations. Previous versions would hang when encountering incorrect PGN notation with unpaired variations. If you’ve ever imported thousands of games exported from ChessBase you’ve probably had your import freeze on one of these games. No more, as COW will now tell you which line in the file showed the error – and the import will continue.
This is a “name your price” update.
You can pay anything you like for this update. (That is, if you don’t chip in anything then this is a free update for you.)
So if you’re the type to chip in for updates, I always appreciate it! Seriously, every time I get an email saying a COW user sent me a tip, I cannot get the smile off of my face for hours. 🙂 This button lets you use your credit card or PayPal to send me (Mike) a tip for this update:

So the price of this update is anywhere from free… to five burritos. (If you do buy me lunch, I’d love to add you to the burrito club if I haven’t already.)
Here is the download link to the Windows installer for the latest version:
This update is hosted on a high speed Amazon server in the “chessopeningsoftware” bucket. Your security software is likely not familiar with this folder so you may have to override your security software to download the installer. When you run the installer, Windows will definitely tell you that the verified publisher is Bookup. (If it does not, do not run the download. Windows will stop you anyway.)
It is safe to install this update over any previous version. Making regular backup copies of your ebooks is always a good idea though. (You do use the Dropbox feature to copy your ebooks to the cloud, yes?)
As always, if you have any questions then shoot me an email.

P.S. Special thanks to you if you are a two-time member of the burrito club!