MasterChess 9000

This app has the core functions you need to research chess games. Search any number of PGN files at lightning speed. Find matching games no matter the move order. Use the guidance of 2500+ play to select lines that are being played now.

Play games against the strongest engines. Easily set up handicap games (knight odds) so that you test your ability to win a won game against nearly perfect play.

Order MasterChess for Macintosh

Order MasterChess for Windows

And thanks for being a fan of my apps! I’m excited to share this new game database workhorse with you.

P.S. Are you an app coder who has always wanted to create a game database or a playing program? Email me about getting the source code to MasterChess 9000.

What’s New?

What has changed since MasterChess 8000?

The new version will be a download. The prior versions were on DVDs that had to be shipped to you.

The new version will have far stronger engines. Stockfish has made some strides in 12 years.

The game database is updated through 2024.

You can choose between a Windows version and a Macintosh version.

The searches are faster.

It uses a newer Pedigree database that relies on games between 2500+ players over the past ten years. You won’t miss a game because of a different move order.

It has the code signing security required by Windows 11.