Setting up Google Drive
To use Google Drive, Google requires you to be logged in to Google on your computer or phone. For most folks that just means you’ve checked your email using Gmail.
Assuming you are logged in to Google, you will then connect your mobile version of COW to Google Drive. You only have to do these steps once.
- Run the Chess Openings Wizard app on your Android device.
- Click the menu in the upper right hand corner.
- Choose Cloud Storage.
- Change the dropdown in the upper right to Google Drive.
- Click the Connect button.
- You will be taken to a Google authorization screen. Google will ask for your permission to allow Chess Openings Wizard to access its own files inside of Google Drive. Click the Allow button.
Close the browser window when prompted.
Now your COW Android app is connected to Google Drive.
Here is how to use Dropbox to move your ebooks to your Android from your Windows or Macintosh computer.

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