Here is how to move your ebooks from your computer to your Android device.
NOTE: These instructions are for using Dropbox manually on your PC or Macintosh. The latest versions of COW for Windows and Mac have their own window inside the app that makes this process even easier. Check to see if you have the latest version by comparing yours to the versions listed here.
First, you must have a Dropbox account. (If you don’t have a Dropbox account, get one free by following these instructions.)
Next, you must have your app connected to Dropbox. (If you haven’t connected your app yet, do that first by following these instructions.)
Using your web browser on your computer, log in to your account at
Click on Files and then My Files.
Click the Apps folder.
Click the Chess Openings Wizard folder.
Click Upload Files.
Navigate to the Documents | Chess Openings Wizard 2016 | Ebooks folder.
Ebook files end in .4MD. Only upload ebook files.
You can select more than one ebook to upload to Dropbox. On Windows, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the ebook files you want. On Macintosh, hold down the Command key while clicking the ebooks you want.
Once you have ebook files selected, on Windows click the Open button. On Macintosh click the Choose button. The upload will begin copying your selected ebooks to Dropbox.
Run the COW app on your Android.
Click the menu in the upper right hand corner and choose Dropbox.
Click the Connect button. (If for some reason it is already connected, click the Disconnect button and then the Connect button to refresh the list of files in Dropbox.)
In the list of files on the right under Files in Dropbox click on the ebook you want to move to your Android.
Click the Download button. In a few seconds the file will be downloaded. It will be added to the list on the left under Files on this device.
Click the Done button.
Now you can click the menu and choose Open Ebook to open the ebook you just downloaded.

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