Finding Novelties
Help for Windows and Macintosh
This function searches for positions that have Informant rate symbols which conflict with the numeric assessment.
That generally means that the engine has found a better move, or a “novelty.”
This works well in conjunction with overnight analysis using EPD file.
Example: Let’s say you have a large enough repertoire (possibly from importing games from PGN files) such that it is not convenient to visit the every position in each variation to check whether the engine’s assessment and the Informant symbol agree. Perhaps you’ve analyzed all or part of the ebook overnight. How do you find the positions where the engine’s numeric assessment (+175 for example) does not match up with the Informant symbol (= for example)?
Get a batch of positions where there might be a novelty by choosing Find Novelties… from the Commands menu.
If any novelties are found, choose Jump to Board Name… from the Go menu to jump directly to any of the newly named positions.
Hint: You may want to first delete any previously named positions if you are running the novelty finder a second time. There is a Delete All button when you choose Jump to Board Name… from the Go menu

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