Training Wizard
The first dropdown controls how the opponents moves are chosen during training.
Random – Moves are chosen at random. There is no guarantee that you’ll cover everything in the tree of analysis but facing random candidate moves is harder and more realistic.
Random with coverage – Moves are chosen at random but the wizard will move on to other moves so that eventually you will cover all the variations.
Sequential with coverage – This is the default setting. The training wizard will play the first candidate move in each position and then the second candidate move in each position, working its way back through the tree of variations until the entire tree has been covered. This is the default setting.
The “Computer Plays” section controls which side the computer will play while training. If set to “Both sides” then the training wizard will play against itself, effectively animating the ebook. If set to “Do not play” then you will be making the moves for both sides while training.
The “After training rewind to” section controls what happens when the training wizard reaches the end of a variation. It can rewind back to the starting position of chess (the default) or it can rewind back to where training began (handy if you are starting from a specific middlegame position) or it can rewind back to the last branch.
The “In a row to complete training” sets how many times you must play the correct move in a row in order to mark the position as completely trained.
The “First time credit” allows you to play the right move the first time and get complete credit. That is handy for the very first opening moves which you may already know by rote. With the first time credit set to 3 for example, if you play the move correctly the first time you get credit for having played it three times in a row correctly.
The “Computer must play top candidate move” setting forces the training wizard to play only the first candidate which is by convention the best move. Moves other than the first candidate will not be included in training. Uncheck this setting to allow the training wizard to play all the moves in each position.
The “User must play top candidate move” setting forces your to play only the first candidate which is by convention the best move. Moves other than the first candidate will be treated as incorrect even if they are in the book. Uncheck this setting to allow yourself to play all the moves in each position.
The “Hide information” setting will have the training wizard hide the comments so that there are no hints regarding the best move(s).
The “Show ‘move is not in this book’ message” setting controls whether the app shows a message when you play a move that is not in the book. If unchecked, the training wizard will simply continue training without showing this message when you make a move that is not in the book.
The “Show ‘No more candidate moves’ message” setting controls whether the app shows a message when you reach a position that has no moves. If unchecked, the training wizard will simply continue training by rewinding without showing this message when you reach the final position in a variation.
The “Show ‘Training complete’ message” setting controls whether the app shows a message when you complete training for a variation. If unchecked, the training wizard will simply continue training by rewinding without showing this message when you complete training in a variation.

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