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Thanks for choosing Chess Openings Wizard Express. Your download should start in a few seconds. If it does not, click on this link.
Now you can…
- analyze your games and ideas with the included Stockfish, Crafty and Ruffian engines
- spot all transpositions in all phases of the game, just like the Professional version
- study a sample “Demo Book” based on FM Chuck Schulien’s Open Game II ebook will give you some instruction on playing the Black side of 1.e4.
- animate all of our chess ebooks including the samples that come with the program
- index and search all of your PGN files
- see how our more advanced commercial programs work to make you a stronger chess player
- print diagrams using various commercial and included free chess fonts.
- make .bmp files of the diagrams
- enjoy beautiful 2D and 3D boards
- watch software videos that explain how to get the most out of the program
I’m hoping you will like it enough to upgrade to the Express version where you can…
- fully design and edit your own opening repertoire
- create new ebooks from your PGN game files, even those with annotations, subvariations and tactics puzzles
- test yourself with the Training Wizard
- see instantly where your internet chess games match the opening ebooks with the Watch File feature
Sign up below and I promise to send you really useful ideas for using your new software. I also promise to never share your email address with anyone.
You can unsubscribe from my email course at any time, and I promise no hard feelings. Every automatic message from me has a link at the very bottom to update your email address or cancel all future emails.
You might be wondering why we’re asking you for a username and a password. Your username becomes your handle on the experts forum where you can help with the software and with chess openings any time day or night.
So sign up now and I’ll see you on the inside.
Let me know what you think about the program and my email course on using Chess Openings Wizard.
Mike Leahy
‘The Database Man!’
P.S. I’m giving away Chess Openings Wizard Trials so that you’ll get hooked on how fast you can learn, and then you’ll want to invest in our ebooks and start learning thousands of positions in the time it used to take you to learn only dozens. Once you see how fast you can take your game to a whole new level I know you’ll be back for more.
Chess Openings Wizard works well under Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista/7.
Chess Coaches: You can design the chess openings you want your students to play, and share them with anyone at no charge. And the price is right. The free Chess Openings Wizard Trial program lets your students read your custom ebooks.

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Enter your best email address so I can notify you of the next challenge.
Thanks! Look for an email from me (Mike) in the next few minutes.