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File compression

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:45 am
by FreeRepublic
i put COW files in the cloud to be accessed by multiple computers. My new computer handles this very well. My old computer seemed to manage this well for several days.

Recently my older computer has slowed down on files that I've accessed before. Those files have blue arrows. This seems to indicate file compression and archiving. I've turned off those features. That returns operations to normal, but only for a few moves. After I close the file, I see that compression and archiving have been turned on again.

I'd like to turn off compression permanently. I don't know how, or whether I should do so at the computer level, folder level, or for individual files. Maybe this is a "feature" of cloud storage. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: File compression

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:06 am
by FreeRepublic
I've experimented with sharing files across two or more computers. It works fine to use drop-box for a one-time transfer from my computer to my tablet.

I have not been able to connect two computers and work seemlessly between them. I might want to work on one computer and, while I'm recharging it, go to a second computer and continue my work. Or, I might start a computer that has not been used for a month and give it some time to update all COW files.

I tried a few years ago using bluetooth and more recently using files stored files "in the cloud." Any slow-down risks the generation a second file. In one case, a file became corrupted. I was lucky to have an older version available. One computer repeatedly timed-out trying to log into the cloud. I think it was hit with too many updates at once.

I presently have an i5 and a new i7 computer. The i7 works pretty smoothly with clould-based COW files. It is possible that two i7 computers could reasonably share files in the cloud, or through a blue-tooth connection. However, until some configuration is proven to work, I see no benefit from this technology other than using it for a one-time transfer to my tablet.

Re: File compression

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:36 pm
by DrAwkward
When both computers are on the same network the easiest thing to do is share a drive or directory. You can do that simple within windows.

Re: File compression

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:18 am
by FreeRepublic
Thanks for the tip. However, I do not have a wired network between laptops.

Re: File compression

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:31 pm
by DrAwkward
Doesn't have to be wired. Just the same network is good enough.