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<a href=””>Best Chess Openings</a><br>Learn chess openings with Windows, Macintosh, Android and iPad software (free and professional versions) that teaches and tests you on the openings, tactics, middlegames, and endgames. Sorts, searches and animates millions of PGN chess games from Chessbase, Chess Assistant, MasterChess or the web.<br>
Chess Links
Chess Openings Wizard Review and engine setup guide
Chess Games
A new site for playing chess on the web.
Chess Openings Software
The program that is replacing Bookup is Chess Openings Wizard for Windows XP and Vista.
Chess Opening – Chess opening moves for the Beginner
This is an information site on chess openings and strategies. It specializes in the following, chess openings, chess opening moves, best chess openings, chess opening strategy, encyclopedia of chess openings, chess openings and tactics.
The online store for ChessMate, the makers of ChessMate® Pocket and Travel
Chess Sets. We are also the home of WizerGames, and ChessHeads® The
Chessboard Trading Card Game.
Renaissance Knights – All kinds of chess resources
Free Email course
Chad Kimball’s Nine part course in chess

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