Chess Openings Wizard – Program Versions
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Chess Openings Wizard is constantly under development to stay current with new engines, best practices, new versions of Windows, Macintosh, iPhone, iPad, and Android, and the ideas from players who use it every day.
That said, it is risky to make the bug list available to the public. The vast majority of software publishers keep their bug list private so as not to discourage new purchases who might assume that the software has too many problems because everything known about the program is in this list.
Rest assured, Chess Openings Wizard is used by more than 66,000 chess players.
I publish our bug list because:
I personally appreciate it when a software maker tells me about any known problems for programs that I want to purchase.
I think chess players are smart enough to realize that all sophisticated software has bugs, and that listing them publicly is my way of making sure you know it’s being worked on.

Mike Leahy, The Database Man!
The most recent builds of Professional and Express contain these changes:
- When you purchase a new program, your permanent product key will be emailed immediately.
- You can install your product key on up to three of your computers. (Please don’t share your key.)
- The registration system does not require a connection to the internet.
- You can log in and get the latest download links and your product keys any time.
There are currently no free trial versions of Chess Openings Wizard.
If you are using a version prior to 2016, here are the top ten reasons to upgrade.
Chess Openings Wizard Program | Latest Build | Released |
Professional Windows | Build 212 | January 24, 2025 |
Professional Macintosh | Build 214 | January 27, 2025 |
Express Windows | Build 206 | June 18, 2024 |
Express Macintosh | Build 190 | February 1, 2024 |
iPad and iPhone | Build 71 | June 3, 2024 |
Android | Build 70 | June 1, 2024 |
COW Engine Server for Windows | Build 8 | November 12, 2018 |
COW Engine Server for Macintosh | Build 9 | November 19, 2018 |
Changed in build 212 and 214 COW Professional for Windows and Macintosh
Build 212 replaced build 207 and build 210 for Windows. Build 214 replaced build 204 for Macintosh. This version adds a much larger Pedigree database up to 25 plies deep and more than 500,000 positions, made from the openings of slow time control games between 2500 rated players in the last ten years. The Pedigree database now displays the number of times each position has been reached per thousand games allowing you to focus on lines that are more likely to occur in high level play.
The sample data also includes a PGN file of the games that make up the Pedigree database.
The games from searches can now be sorted by any field by pressing the Sort button.
Double clicking on a game in the list now loads it in the Game window.
Changed in build 207 COW Professional for Windows
Build 207 replaced build 205 for Windows. This version corrects issues with marking the diagram with different colored arrows, circles, and X’s. It now remembers the window positions for the main and game windows.
Changed in build 206 COW Express for Windows
Build 206 replaced build 191 for Windows. This version corrects issues with marking the diagram with different colored arrows, circles, and X’s. It adds functions to the training wizard. It adds multiPV mode to chess engines that support it. It now remembers the window positions for the main and game windows.
Changed in build 204 COW Professional for Macintosh and 205 for Windows
Build 204 replaced build 203 for Macintosh. Build 205 replaced build 201 for Windows.
Fixed issues with overnight (EPD) analysis with the new Stockfish multiPV mode.
Changed in build 201 COW Professional for Windows and build 203 COW Professional for Macintosh
Build 201 replaced Build 197 for Windows. Build 203 replaced builds 198 and 202 for Macintosh.
A bug with training that resulted in repetition of position combined with training mistakes was fixed.
The engine preferences allow the multiPV setting to be turned off and on.
Changed in build 197 COW Professional for Windows and build 198 COW Professional for Macintosh
Build 198 replaced build 195 for Macintosh. Build 197 replaced build 196 for Windows.
The font size of the engine analysis can be changed.
Engine analysis now uses multiPV mode. Up to three best moves are displayed.
Shows the training statistics results whenever training is stopped. The results include how many new positions were successfully trained in that session. It also displays a bar showing the percentage of the ebook that has been trained.
Fixes the training looping bug when multiple candidates exist for the side training.
Fixes a bug when importing PGN with FEN notation.
Changed in build 195 COW Professional for Macintosh and build 196 for Windows
Build 195 replaced build 193 for Macintosh. Build 196 replaced build 192 for Windows.
Stockfish 16.1 was added.
Better shortcut keys were chosen for pasting engine analysis and adding pedigree moves.
Issues with the training wizard rewinding to last branch were fixed.
A bug that removed the title of the ebook when starting Stockfish was fixed.
Changed in build 192 COW Professional for Windows
Build 192 replaced build 188 for Windows. Build 193 replaced build 187 for Macintosh.
Game window allows the board to flip.
Issues with drawing last move arrows are fixed.
Issue with training wizard not requiring multiple correct moves fixed. (Hud D.)
Ctrl+C now copies the current line to the clipboard as PGN for pasting into other apps.
Program Preferences Training tab has more controls for training messages.
Training Wizard “Not in the Book” message now appears closer to where the mouse is for easier clicking.
A number of training wizard message windows can be dismissed by pressing the Enter or Esc keys.
Training Wizard has been overhauled and will no longer be confused if you make more than one incorrect move in the same line.
Training Wizard will optionally show a warning when you reach a position where you made an incorrect move in the past.
Fixed the multimedia cursor issue when recording with Black at the bottom of the diagram.
Changed in build 189 COW Express for Windows and build 190 COW Express for Macintosh
Build 189 replaced build 186 for Windows. Build 190 replaced build 179 for Macintosh.
This build adds the ability to copy the diagram to the clipboard and export the diagram to three different formats (BMP, PNG, JPG).
This build fixes a bug that would keep the final move from being tested in training mode.
The training wizard has been expanded to allow resetting training for only the current line. It can be made to optionally do this whenever a new move is added to an ebook.
The training window has been resized for lower resolution monitors.
Changed in build 187 COW Professional for Macintosh and build 188 for Windows
Build 187 replaced build 184 for Macintosh. Build 188 replaced build 183 for Windows.
This build adds the ability to copy the diagram to the clipboard and export the diagram to three different formats (BMP, PNG, JPG).
Changed in build 186 COW Express for Windows
Build 186 replaced build 175 for Windows.
This build fixes a bug that would keep the final move from being tested in training mode.
The training wizard has been expanded to allow resetting training for only the current line. It can be made to optionally do this whenever a new move is added to an ebook.
Changed in build 183 COW Professional for Windows and build 184 for Macintosh
Build 183 replaced build 181 for Windows.
Build 184 replaced build 182 for Mac.
This build changes blindfold mode in the training wizard so that the piece being dragged is displayed.
This build fixes a bug that would keep the final move from being tested in training mode.
The training wizard has been expanded to allow resetting training for only the current line. It can be made to optionally do this whenever a new move is added to an ebook.
Changed in build 182 COW Professional for Macintosh
Build 182 replaced build 180.
This build adds blindfold mode to the training wizard.
The copying and pasting of engine analysis into the comments was improved by adding a new line to the comments so that grabbing engine analysis a second time creates a new paragraph.
Changed in build 181 COW Professional for Windows
Build 181 replaced build 176.
This build adds blindfold mode to the training wizard.
The copying and pasting of engine analysis into the comments was improved by adding a new line to the comments so that grabbing engine analysis a second time creates a new paragraph.
Changed in build 180 COW Professional for Macintosh
Build 180 replaced build 177.
Added Google Drive support.
Added Stockfish 16.
Changed in build 179 COW Express for Macintosh
Build 179 replaced build 178.
Added support for Google Drive.
Added Stockfish 16.
Changed in build 178 COW Express for Macintosh
Build 178 replaced build 174.
Fixed issues with Mac OS Sonoma and HiPDI 4K displays.
Changed in build 177 COW Professional for Macintosh
Build 177 replaced build 171.
Fixed issues with Mac OS Sonoma and HiPDI 4K displays.
Changed in build 176 COW Professional for Windows
Build 176 replaced build 168.
Added Google Drive support.
Added Stockfish 16.
Updated online help.
Changed in build 175 COW Express for Windows
Fixed 140MB Dropbox limitation.
COW build 175 replaced build 162.
Fixed bug that failed to store diagram arrows.
Changed in build 174 COW Express for Macintosh
COW build 174 replaced build 166.
Uses Stockfish 15.1 and includes separate engines for Intel and Silicon Macs.
Fixed 140MB Dropbox limitation.
Fixed bug that failed to store diagram arrows.
Fixed F8 and Go menu to go back one ply.
Changed in build 168 COW Pro for Windows
COW build 168 replaced build 160.
Uses Stockfish 15.1.
Fixed menu command to go back one ply (also F8 function key).
Fixed 140MB Dropbox limitation.
Changed in build 162, 166
COW Express adds the ability to play back multimedia (made by the Professional version). It also adds diagram marks (dots and X’s on squares and arrows in four colors) accessed by right clicking on the diagram.
COW Express Macintosh uses Stockfish 15.
Changes in build 160, 161
COW adds functions to the Commands menu. You can synchronize the Informant symbols to match the engine analysis. You can mine for novelties by searching for positions where the Informant symbol does not agree with the numeric assessment from the engine.
COW Pro Build 160 for Windows replaces build 157.
Build 161 for Macintosh replaces build 156.
Changes in build 156, 157
COW now runs natively on Macs with M1 Silicon chips. It is fully tested through Monterey 12.1.
COW is well tested on Windows 10 and 11.
Introduces multimedia recording (diagram marks synchronized to recorded audio), arrows for the engine’s best move, and static diagram marks (circles and arrows on the diagram). The arrows can be four different colors. Marking squares includes using an X. The key strokes (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) match those of lichess.
Matching updates for iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets are coming. We’ll start with opening the newer format ebooks and then later add more support for multimedia.
The data format changed from build 137 onward to accommodate multimedia recording. With that, the default folder for ebooks is now “Chess Openings Wizard” in the Documents folder.
Bugs were fixed, including the correct restoration of chosen diagram settings such as custom square colors.
The Windows installer no long installs the sample ebooks which in the past caused confusion when the app was installed by a Windows admin account. The app now installs the sample ebooks.
The Macintosh DMG is now compressed and downloads in one third the time.
Stockfish 14.1 is included with the Windows version and the Macintosh version.
Minor bugs were fixed and many small improvements were made.
Changes in build 136
Replaces build 128 Professional for Macintosh.
Adds the new Foley function which automatically compares your repertoire to the recent games of any lichess player in just a few seconds. Video instruction here
This includes the killer Foley function detailed below.
Changes in build 132
Replaces build 127 Professional for Windows.
Fixes a problem dealing with PGN files containing incorrect sub variations that would cause PGN imports to freeze.
Adds the new Foley function which automatically compares your repertoire to the recent games of any lichess player in just a few seconds. Video instruction here
Allows lichess players to prepare against an online opponent by comparing how they played their last 100 games with your repertoire (as well as view individual games by any lichess player). Also allows the download of your games in PGN or the games of any player. |
Changes in build 126, 127, 128, 129
Replaces build 119 and 123 Express.
Build 128 replaces build 117 Professional for Macintosh.
The last played lichess game of any player can be instantly imported into your chosen repertoire ebook, automatically fast forwarded to the novelty from that game. |
The default engine is Stockfish 12 in Windows (still Stockfish 10 on Mac).
The engine analysis appears in figurine notation (like the candidate moves).
The old limitation of 255 characters for file paths has been lifted.
The program now stores its settings in an .INI file.
The training wizard now allows you to set a maximum move number, allowing you to limit through move 9 for example.
The Training Wizard setup window has a new Help button.
Fixed the Go menu’s Jump to Next and Jump to Previous named positions.
The limit of 100 imported plies was lifted to 500 (allowing 250 move games).
You can suppress duplicate comments from imported PGN games.
PGN import adds hyphens to game dates (2020-09-15 rather than 20200915).
Ctrl+Alt+T starts training immediately with the current settings by selecting Commands | Train Now.
Games | Find Games with this Move Order... now automatically fills in the move order with the line in the active ebook.
The app will ask your permission to overwrite an existing file when downloading a matching file from Dropbox.
Changes in build 123
This is an Express build for Mac. It has all the changes since build 107 plus it uses figurine notation in the engine analysis.
It will load the settings from build 107, the last released version.
It is, of course, Catalina friendly.
It fixes a problem with the menu items that load the next and previous board names in endgame and tactics puzzle ebooks.
It will run Stockfish 12. However, that engine could not be included in this update due to Apple security issues with “hardened runtimes.”
Aesthetic changes were made so that certain large numbers had commas, and certain messages would not word wrap.
Changes in build 120
Replaces build 104 for Macintosh. Includes all improvements in builds 115-199.
Changes in build 119
Replaces build 93.
The Games | Select Game… option now correctly goes to the list of searched games.
Candidates moves that match the moves of the loaded game (in the Game window) are marked with a ‘G‘.
Build 119 Express now supports algebraic hints in the diagrams.
When pasting in a PGN game, the game is also loaded into the Game window (as well as adding the moves to the ebook).
Changes in build 115, 116, 117
A shortcut key was added for grabbing (copying and pasting) engine analysis.
A bug was fixed that affected large PGN imports (more than 30,000 games at one time).
A bug was fixed that sometimes hindered loading more than 2,000 named positions.
Changes in build 113
The program now checks to see if there is an update available.
Backsolving fixes a bug when a line is added with a blank Informant rate.
Changes in build 112
Diagram can have algebraic hints in the frame.
Backsolving fixes a bug when the only candidate’s Informant rate symbol is blank and the setting to ignore blank rates is checked.
A check box option to ignore blank rates was added to the program settings (for real time backsolving).
Bug fixed that did not allow the first move of a named position (from tactics or endgame puzzles) to be added to a speed learning set.
Backsolved rate and numeric assessment are instantly updated when program settings are changed (to ignore blank rates for example).
Build 112 looks for the settings from build 92 and uses them if it can, saving the headache of starting over with default settings.
Changes in build 104, 107
Support for MacOS Catalina was added.
Changes in build 91, 93, 94, 95
Dropbox support has been added. Choose Dropbox… from the File menu. Click the help button in the Dropbox window for more information.
New sample ebooks are included.
Stockfish 10 64bit is the new default engine.
$GAME$ error fixed when opening ebooks by clicking on them. (Windows)
Fixes “top candidate only” bug seen in some Windows 10 machines. (Windows)
Changes in build 87, 88
The MacOS Mojave issue is fixed. (The popup to edit candidate moves would disappear.)
New sample ebooks are included.
Stockfish 10 is the new default chess engine.
Changes in build 80 and 81
For Macintosh, the DMG file delivering the app is now “signed” and the app no longer stores the product key inside the app which should make Apple’s new version of
Gatekeeper happy. Gatekeeper in some cases would quarantine the Chess Openings Wizard app causing it to fail to open the Pedigree and ECO code databases.
A shortcut key of Control-Option-R on Macintosh and Ctrl-Alt-R on Windows will allow an ebook to be reset to its default settings and sizes. This is helpful if an ebook opens but is completely off the screen due to removing an extra monitor.
Changes in build 69, 75
The diagram settings are correctly saved.
A new option to remove the diagram’s frame was added.
Added arrows to show the last move made (optional).
Fixed issues with garbled diagrams when opening new windows on Windows 10 (certain graphics drivers).
Changes in build 67, 68
The size of the candidate moves can be adjusted.
The Pedigree ribbon is oriented sideways so that it is easier to compare different candidates.
The diagram prompts for underpromotions when moving a pawn to the eighth rank.
The correct promotion piece is drawn when clicking a candidate move that promotes a piece.
The program is smarter about saving the state of windows, including moving an ebook to and from Windows/Macintosh and to and from computers that have multiple monitors.
More shortcut keys have been added to the menus. (Leif W, Stephen K)
Speed Learning was added. (YouTube video here)
Bug with board names longer than 41 characters fixed.
The selected square no longer stays selected when dragging a piece.
The maximums for nodes in EPD analysis to 2,000 (which is in millions of nodes) and 1,000,000 for seconds. (suggested by Bogg)
Changes in prior versions | Resolution | Spotter | Pro Express |
Font size of comments can be adjusted. | Changed in build 60, 70 | PE | |
More shortcut keys have been added. | Added in build 62 | P | |
Speed learning added | Added in build 62 Pro | P | |
Mac and Windows default to high speed piece movement. | Changed in build 62 and beyond | PE | |
Piece speed and diagram type (square color, font, etc) can be adjusted. | Changed in build 60 | P |
Description | Resolution | Spotter | OS | Pro Express | Impact | Projection |
“Find games with this move order” will only go up to move 7 or 8 | Randy F. | Win/Mac | PE | high | ||
There may be a position that causes Stockfish to hang. | Hud D. | Mac | P | low | ||
Training wizard loops when there are two candidates for the side that is training. | Chris B. | Win/Mac | PE | high | ||
Importing 000000-B.4MD into empty ebook gives an “out of memory” error | Mike B. | Win | P | high | ||
Ebooks do not remember “Read Only” setting | Narcyz K. | Win/Mac | PE | high | ||
Ebooks have no “Read Only” setting on mobile | Narcyz K. | iOS/Android | high | |||
Exceedingly large numeric assessments are displayed incorrectly (+-3000 from Leela for example) | bug | James C. | Win/Mac | PE | high | fixed in build 199 |
Express version only draws green arrows and square marks | bug | John Z. | E | low | fixed | |
Long move is wrapped (…gxh8=Q+) | bug | Greg U. | Win/Mac | PE | low | |
Importing PGN with FEN positions freezes on Mac | Fixed in build 197 | William B. | Mac | PE | fixed in build 197 | |
Training with the wizard set to Random can cause an infinite loop. | Fixed in build 200+ | Jim W. | Win/Mac | PE | high | fixed |
The January overhaul of the training wizard can give full credit when making a right move after making a wrong move. | fixed | Hud D. | Win/Mac | PE | high | fixed in build 192 |
The option to “Do not import duplicate comment lines” is working for PGN headers but not for embedded comments. | Mark G. | PE | low | |||
Game window has no way to flip the board | fixed | Les B. | Win/Mac | PE | low | fixed in build 192 |
Some of the Alt key shortcuts in the menu do not work. | fixed | Gregg S. Mark G. | Win | PE | low | |
Mac Sonoma draws ebooks in an unusable way | fixed | James C. | Mac | PE | high | fixed in build 176 |
iOS and some Android versions fail to accept promotions | fixed | Walther L. Steve B. Dave G. | iOS, Android | high | fixed in build 176 | |
Training window too tall to fit on low resolution monitors | fixed | Steve B. Marcos S. | Win | PE | fixed in build 177 | |
Multimedia recording flips when recording with Black at the bottom | fixed | Mike | Win/Mac | P | M | fixed in build 192 |
Read Only ebook status not saved | checking | Narcyz K. | PE? | low | ||
F8 does not go back one ply in build 160 | fixed in build 167 | Rale W. | Win/Mac | P/E? | fixed in build 167 | |
Applying diagram marks and then clicking on past move fails to save marks. | Pavel K. | Win/Mac | E | M | May 2023 | |
Importing PGN intermittently locks up the app | tested with 750,000 games | Keith K. | Win | P/E | fixed? | |
Setting First Time Credit to 1 behaves as if full credit is given | fixed | Dave H. | P | fixed in build 192 | ||
When monitor is scaled to 150 percent, pre training window is too tall for the screen. | fixed | Gary R. | PE | low | fixed | |
Does not restore selected diagram colors when restarting | Fixed in build 141 | Justin A. | Win | PE | fixed | fixed |
Board name does not display after setting up a position | Mike L. | Win/Mac | ||||
Dropbox uploads limited to 150MB | Fixed in build 167 | Marc L John J | (all) | PE | high | fixed |
Big Sur on Intel Macs fails | fixed | Mac Big Sur on Intel (M1 Silicon Macs are okay) | PE | fixed | fixed | |
Engine server continues analyzing after Android disconnects, using 100% CPU | Fixed in build 8. | Rafa M. | Windows | Engine Server | high | Fixed in build 8 |
Importing 2,500 games crashes | tested with 750,000 games | Celestino J. | Mac | PE | high | |
Importing PGN does not color code novelties | Fixed in build 115-120 | Keith K. | Windows/Mac | PE | high | Fixed in build 119. |
Engine name and path is limited in length | Fixed | James C. | Windows | PE | medium | fixed |
EPD analysis fails after a large number of positions | investigating | Navid M. | Mac | Pro | high | |
PGN import slows, increases memory usage | fixed in build 120 | Navid M. | Mac | Pro | high | Fixed in build 115 |
Make Paste PGN behave like importing PGN | could not duplicate | Ilyas A. | Windows | PE | high | Not an issue |
Error message and possible crash with Mac High Sierra – Use the Candidate menu instead of the dropdown | Fixed in build 86. | Timothy R. | Mac | PE | high | Fixed |
Double clicking a document when the program is running causes two copies of the program and $GAME$ Assertion error | Fixed | Phil T. | Win | PE | high | Fixed in Pro build 91 and beyond |
Backsolving a position with a blank rate when “Ignore blank rate symbols” is checked gives the wrong Informant symbol. | Fixed | Bernd H. | Win | P | high | Fixed in build 111. |
‘G’ indicator of loaded game not working | Fixed in build 119 | Tom R. | Win/Mac | PE | high | Fixed in build 119. |
Setting up an illegal position (without a king) causes a crash | Bug | Hud D. | Win/Mac | PE | high | |
Under-promotions not working | Fixed in build 86. | Mike | Win | E | high | Fixed |
Pasting engine analysis needs a carriage return after it | Fixed | Ron T. | Win/Mac | PE | low | Fixed |
Add Informant synching from legacy version | Added in build 158 | Ron T. | Win | P | high | fixed |
Make move order searches like legacy version | Fixed in build 124 | Elirub | Win/Mac | PE | high | Fixed |
Diagram is distorted when first opening an ebook | Fixed | Mike B, Raimund K. | Win | P, E | high | Fixed |
Importing games with no result gives incorrect backsolved Informant rates | Fixed | sagisag | Win | P | high | Fixed in build 111. |
Selecting speed learning positions causes multiple confirmation windows. | Bug – duplicated with customer data | Hud D. | Win/Mac | P | high | |
Mac Stockfish 7 crashes | Stockfish 10 replaced earlier versions. | Celestino J. | Mac | P, E | high | Fixed in build 91 |
cannot create a swap chain for ‘TCanvasD2D’ | Not reproduced, likely a graphics driver problem | Daniel G. | Win | E | low | Assumed graphics driver issue |
Crashes when candidate drop down button is clicked | Fixed in Catalina versions | Jon G. A. | Mac | E | high | Fixed |
UNIQUE constraint error when adding duplicate positions to speed learning | Bug | Mike at Bookup | Mac/Win | P | low | |
Mac Finder won’t open the app when a document is double clicked | Limitation – the documents must be opened from within the app | Jacques P. | Mac | P, E | low | |
Backsolving freezes on start with sample data (Polar Bear ebook) | Bug | Eric O. | P | high | ||
Find games with this move order – doesn’t fill in moves | Fixed in build 124 | Eliezer R. | P | high | Fixed | |
Mac version beeps when pressing right arrow key for moves | Bug | Jacques P. | P | high | ||
Does not use MasterChess 8000 files. | Design decision – workaround is to export all games to PGN. A new version of MasterChess will likely be the ultimate answer. | P | low | |||
The candidate area can lose focus and won’t react to arrow key navigation when this happens. | Bug. | Jacques P. | P | medium | ||
Only the top candidate move is played when clicking on other candidate moves. Windows 10 | Fixed. | Geoffrey B. Colin P. David M. Lazaro M. | Windows 10 | P | high | Fixed in build 91 |
The splitter bar below the past moves pane also moves the top splitter bar. | Bug. | Stan R. John G. | P | low | ||
Window menu is not populated. | Harish S. | |||||
Creating a Speed Learning set with named positions causes a dialog window to appear for each name. | Fixed. | Hud D | P | Fixed in build 111. |
Description | Sponsor | Importance | Projection |
Add ability to create one’s own database to use instead of the Pedigree database. | James C. | ||
Allow the font size to change for engine analysis | Done | ||
Add one step purge/prune process to remove positions orphaned by deleted moves | Greg U. | ||
Add a way to sort games in the game list. | Derek S. Randy F. | low | Done |
Add Ebook import option to ignore imported comments. | Greg U. | ||
Show how many positions trained out of the entire book when done training. | David K. | low | Done in build 203 |
Add option to switch the side at bottom to match the side to move. | Mark G. | low | |
In Program Preferences the button to change the diagram export file/folder does not work. | low | fixed in build 190 | |
Have the training wizard ask whether to reset training in the current set of played positions when a new candidate move is added. | Mike L. | low | added in build 183 |
Show bookmarks as a table of contents. | Carl B. | low | |
Improve scrolling of menu items on touchscreens | Gregg S. | low | |
Add a way to have Stockfish add candidates that improve on existing candidates. When adding a new candidate, have the resulting position assessed by the engine for backsolving. | Ron T. | low | |
If the ebook has Black at bottom, have the setup new position window also have Black at bottom. | Ken W. | low | fixed in build 183 |
Add training settings that would Continue If User Has a Candidate Marked {red, yellow, green} Stop If Computer Would Play a Candidate Marked {red, yellow, green} | Greg U. | low | |
Add themes, color choices for window backgrounds. | Wane I. | low | |
Allow multiple Dropbox files to be uploaded at once. | Kent O. | low | |
Have the novelty finder add the engine’s best move, even if it’s not a leaf node. | Ron T. | low | |
Add back the ability to mirror and reverse the color of a position | Jeremy F. | low | |
Import ChessBase MyMove repertoire | Richard C. | low | |
Support separate numeric assessments (manually assigned and backsolved) which will expose blunders in games that would otherwise be backsolved by the leaf node. | Stephen R. | low | |
Add more colors for diagram arrows, square marks | Stephen R. | done | |
Add back option to use regular letters for notation | Anthony | Low | |
Bring back Speed Learning storage sets with “right, wrong, skipped” results (prior to 2016) | Stephen R. | Low | |
Allow PGN to import comments only for existing positions | James C. | Low | |
Add optional sound effects for the movement of the pieces | Ernesto D. | Low | |
Allow PGN import to ignore [% commands | Mike L. | Low | |
Add back saving the diagram to a BMP | Ray B. | Low | Added in build 187 |
Allow precise RGB values for board colors | Michael T. | Low | |
Allow texture choices for board squares | Michael T. | Low | |
Add dark mode theme | Al M. | Medium | |
Refocus candidate move pane after using VCR buttons so that arrow keys work more often | Albert S. Mike W. | Medium | |
Add limit to the number of moves trained | Pete Z. | Medium | Added in build 124 |
Add button “restart training” to restart the last session with the exact same settings | Pete Z. | Medium | Added in build 124 |
Add auto update using Inno Setup’s /SP- /silent /noicons “/dir=expand:{pf}\My Program” | Mike L. | Low | |
Have engine pause when EPD analysis finishes | Hud D. | Low | |
Add magic hand to training mode | Mike L. | Low | |
Add the C.A.P. databank (aka “Joy of Chess”) | Steven K. | Low | |
Add algebraic hints to the borders of diagrams | Adolfo P. P. Clive D. Mike W. | Low | Done |
Add 3D chess board | Ron T. | Low | |
Have the Enter key handle OK buttons. | Jacques P. | Low | Some done. |
Add back the ECO printing function | Gerald G, Jim R, Calvin C. Randy S. | Low | |
Add move guessing to the diagram (clicking on ‘to’ square) as in ChessBase. | Jacques P. | ||
Add a way to play a game against the engine from any position. | Jeremy | ||
Have EPD engine analysis ignore nodes when set to zero. | Bogg | Low | |
Add option to Backsolving to ignore blank numeric assessments | Bogg | Low | |
Add Speed Testing | Jim G | High | |
Add Pro function to export lines as individual games (as in legacy) | Bolvar G Valet W | Medium | Done |
Add candidate font size adjustment to Express Mac version (Windows done) | Serge D, Tom R | High | Done |
Fix Find Games with this move order (Express version) | Tom R | High | |
Add command to synchronize Informant symbols based on numeric assessments (Pro version) | sagisag | Medium | Done |
Add command to Show All Move Orders (Pro and Express versions) | Amoranemix, Michel L. | Medium | |
Program will run two instances, creating error messages for the shared $GAME$ database. | Sandy S. | Medium | Fixed in build 91 |
Program has to be killed with task manager if it cannot open an ebook from the last session. | Randy M | Medium | Fixed |
Add ability to select multiple PGN files for import | Steve S | Medium | |
Add arrows and square highlights | Mike L. and others | Low | Added in build 141 |
Add rate symbol synchronization with numeric assessments with ranges higher than 100 for ++– | Ron T. | Medium | Added in build 158 |
Option to eliminate “Load Next Named Position” window when training | Hud D. | Low |

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