
My outrageous guarantee:

Tons of email has asked if there’s a catch. There is not.

Let me rephrase my guarantee just to be sure…

You can order Chess Openings Wizard Professional for $197 or the Express version for $67.

If what you purchase is not the best software you’ve ever used to study chess then just call me or email me and I will credit your credit card.

A catch? Well, if you should decide to take advantage of the refund offer then you’ll be welcome to keep using the free version.

End users only, please. (Dealers already have complete guarantees.)

The 200 Point Guarantee

I guarantee that inside of 9 months of study with Chess Openings Wizard (training with your ebook and designing your own opening repertoire) that your chess rating will increase 200 or more points. This is based on the results of Bookup customers since 1984.


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Mike Leahy
“The Database Man”

P.S. Why should I try Chess Openings Wizard?

In the late 90’s at the New York Open, Peter Svidler asked if our 200 point guarantee applied to him. We said yes. He pointed out that another 200 points would have him rated higher than World Champion Gary Kasparov. He bought Bookup 2000 Professional anyway — and went on to beat Gary. 🙂

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