
Thanks for watching my video on LinkedIn.

I’ve connected with many great players and coaches on LinkedIn. If that includes you, then I invite you to get Chess Openings Wizard (Express or Professional) for 15 percent off.

The Express version is $67. The Professional version with Backsolving used in the video is $197.

Choose between the Windows and Macintosh version.

Once you have the order form up, type in the Promo Code LINKEDIN and that will give you the discount.

If you have any questions, email me at mike at bookupmembers dot com or give me a call.

The Database Man

Chess Openings Wizard – Order Form Links

Express for Windows

Express for Macintosh

Professional for Windows

Professional for Macintosh

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Enter your best email address so I can notify you of the next challenge.

Thanks! Look for an email from me (Mike) in the next few minutes.