Program Status

MasterChess 8000 Program Status

Built for Windows 7

Last Report: Saturday November 26th, 2011

“Before you read the bug report…”

MasterChess 8000 is updated occasionally to stay current with new engines, best practices, new versions of Windows and the great ideas from those who use it every day.

The vast majority of software publishers keep their bug list private so as not to discourage new purchases.

I publish our bug list because:

I personally appreciate it when a vendor tells me about any known problems for any software that I want to purchase.

I think chess players are smart enough to realize that all sophisticated software has bugs, and that listing them publicly is my way of making sure you know it’s being worked on.


Mike Leahy, The Database Man!

Program Latest Build Released
MasterChess 8000 Build 1 November 25, 2011


Description Resolution Spotter
Stockfish 1.8 is the default engine. Changed in build 10 of 7000
ChessEngineMakeMove() – The Notation is blank (c:\dev\MasterChess 7000\Source\Build-10\MAINFRM.PAS, line 3423) Fixed in build 11 of 7000 Shane R.
Won’t load saved games. Gives “.fYear” error. Fixed in build 11 of 7000 Kevin E.
Adding a PGN file gives ISAM error 9903 Fixed in build 11 of 7000 Stan L.
Added Ruffian and Robbolito engines. In build 12 of 7000
Able to add your own UCI engines. In build 12 of 7000

Bugs (Open)

Description Resolution Spotter Impact Projection
Will not search by first name. Bug Drew S. medium


Description Sponsor Importance Projection
Create a video showing how to use COW with MasterChess Darren R. Medium Complete
Create a Windows 7 style help file. (Many users) Medium
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