Chess Game Database Rodeo

Welcome to the rodeo!

We’re looking for someone who rides herd over millions of games and knows how to keep those doggies in line.

If you know your way around game databases (ChessBase, Chess Assistant, SCID, MasterChess 8000, etc.) then throw your hat in and give the rodeo a try.

Here’s how it works.

The rodeo started at 8:00PM New York time November 12, 2013.

Here’s the variation we’re interested in:

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c6 4.e3 Nd7 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Nf3

Download this PGN file in .zip format

Download the PGN file in PGN format (some browsers will not allow this format)

Now use your wrangling skills to corral…

1) the number of games in that file that played that exact move order.

2) the number of games that reached the final position in that variation through any move order.

Email mike at bookupmembers dot com with your two answers and a short description of how you got your answers (which software, function, opening key, etc.) and be prepared to make a short video of how you did it.

Honors will go to the first cowboy who emails Mike with the correct answer.

Good luck, pardner.

Join the Challenge

Join the Challenge

Enter your best email address so I can notify you of the next challenge.

Thanks! Look for an email from me (Mike) in the next few minutes.