Sending ebook files to Mike

If you’ve been around long enough to use the older Bookup program, you might have a need to send Mike some files for repair and/or upgrade. Here are some steps to do that.

First, run the Windows file explorer.

If Windows file explorer doesn’t have a convenient Start icon, click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Then in the search area type in “file explorer” without the quotation marks. Windows will show you an icon at the top of the list. Click that.

From there, navigate to the folder that contains your ebook files.

For older systems, your ebooks are likely found by clicking Windows (C:) on the left, double clicking Chess Openings Files, and then double clicking Ebooks.

For newer systems such as Chess Openings Wizard, click Documents on the left, double click Chess Openings Wizard 2016, and then double click Ebooks.

Here is an example using older files where there are multiple files per ebook:

You’ll want to place the ebook file(s) into a single .zip file. Here’s how to make a .zip file with older ebooks as in the picture above:

Click on the first file in the set. In the example above, the first file is Modern Rat.2B1.

Then shift click on the last file in the set. Hold down the shift key and keep it held down while clicking on the last file with that ebook name. That will highlight all the files with that name.

Then right click on the selected files.

When the menu pops up, choose Send to – Compressed (zipped) folder.

NOTE: It actually makes a single .zip file but Windows behaves like it is a folder because it is a file that contains other files.

Then give that .zip file a name. The suggested name is usually fine.

Now go to your email program and send the .zip file by attaching it. Every email program handles attachments differently. Below is an example after pressing Compose in Gmail and adding the email address and the title of the email. The attachment button is the paperclip next to the red arrow.

Very large .zip files might not work with your email program. In the case of extremely large files, you’ll want to use a file delivery service such as Google Drive or Dropbox, both of which offer free accounts.

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