Speed Learning Rocks… but it’s not for ‘babies’ :)

I don’t go out of my way to get testimonials.

Oh I get unsolicited ones every so often but I figure that with our guarantee, anyone can get the program and prove it for themselves.  And when I’ve asked the occasional grandmaster for a testimonial, I almost always get an emphatic No… and the occasional counter-request for compensation but I figure no one is going to be persuaded by a grandmaster who got money or free software from us.

But if you haven’t tried it yourself, then you may need to know that Speed Learning is working like a miracle for some players. Most players don’t want their opponents to know about it. 🙂

Thankfully there are exceptions, and Michael Horne of France was one of the first to give me permission to quote him…

Hi Mike,

Many thanks for this most welcome update, although I must say it didn’t do me any harm looking at moves from the other side. In fact, I’m sure it did me some good. In the few weeks I’ve been using the speed learning feature my scores at the club have gone up quite remarkably. But I put work into it too! At my level, I don’t just sit back and hope it will all sink in subconsciously. First, I work with the training feature which is already there, and only subsequently with the speed learning feature, and even then making ample use of the pause button. This allows me to revise the positions I’m now supposed to know. To begin with, I work only on a limited number of moves; I will reduce Dzindzi’s Recommendations for White, for example, to 5 moves, then 6 moves, then 7 moves, using Chessbase to cut off the remaining moves. (This is a bit of a pain and would be a nice feature to incorporate into the Wizard in the future). As there is only one candidate move for White, the number of positions is not too unwieldy. (Here, too, this would be a nice future feature: eliminating (at least temporarily) all non- top candidate moves for the side one is training on. Again, I use Chessbase to do this when importing games, but again it’s a painful process). After a week or so of working in this way, I can set the speed to around one position per second (a middle setting) and take it all in quite consciously. I’ve no doubt that with time I will be able to accelerate this to substantially higher speeds. To my mind, speed reading only starts to be valid if one can read first. It’s the same with chess; the speed learning feature will not be profitable to a complete beginner, and for the intermediate player its value will depend on how it is used. I personally think there is enormous value in this feature for everyone wishing to improve his or her chess, which means that, when you say it does not work for everyone, I would only agree if ‘everyone’ is meant to include babies and non-chessplayers!

Please keep up this great work!
Mike Horne

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