Terror in the Opening

You’re ready to feel the excitement (terror?!) of watching your opponent make his way through the minefield of your opening preparation?


I’ll warn you again that it’s work. You have to do the work.

But you’ll also enjoy the work, because you’ll have a power tool in your hands.

Here is my recommendation for you. Get Chess Openings Wizard Express installed on your Windows or Macintosh computer.

Why not just grab the iPhone or Android version? While you could pound out your plans on a tiny screen, the mobile versions of Chess Openings Wizard are best used for reviewing your openings when you’re on the go.

You’ll want the ease of your mouse and keyboard when you are designing.

But hey, if you’re the kind that crafts three page emails on your phone then don’t let me stop you. Get the mobile version in that case.

Choose Macintosh or Windows

Get Chess Openings Wizard Express for Windows

Get Chess Openings Wizard Express for Macintosh

Do you have questions? Maybe you’re wondering why I don’t push the Professional version right from the start. Maybe you’re just wondering if the programmer actually answers his own email. Drop me a line and find out.

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