London Testimonial

This video contains an embarrassing secret that I wish I didn’t have to share…

Will the London II ebook make you a stronger player?

Not if you don’t roll up your sleeves and work with it.

But if you’re like me then you’re skeptical about anything that promises to help make you a master faster.

So I got a master to tell you how just this one ebook made all the difference in becoming a master. And not just on the internet or over the board.  Kevin used the London II ebook to become a correspondence master.

(If you’re not familiar with postal chess, well, it can take over a year to complete a single game.  It’s serious chess.)

Do you have to be an expert to used this ebook? NO! This ebook is designed for club players who want to learn a solid opening as fast as they can.

More chess openings videos

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