Grandmaster Susan Polgar's Winning Chess
the Easy Way DVD Course
from a grandmaster ensures you'll be taught the most important knowledge in
Having it all on DVD means you can go directly to the topics you want and review
them as often as you like.
Seeing it on your TV or computer screen means you'll remember much more than
you would from just reading a book.
An extremely low price means you'll get more value from these DVDs than from any collection of
chess videos.
GM Susan Polgar has been the
Women's World Champion 4 times and is a 5-time Olympic Champion.
She can instruct you.
The bottom line is that you get these five instructional chess DVDs by Grandmaster
Susan Polgar for
the incredibly low price of $97 plus $7 shipping in the US.
These DVDs are for "advanced beginners." You should
already know how to play chess before tackling these lessons that are ideal for
players rated 1100 to 1900 ELO.
DVD 1: The Basic Principles of Chess
separately for $24
Runtime 2 hours 19 minutes
1 White wins the easy way by following the basic principles of
2 Black neglects the center
3 The Balance center gaining space and time
4 The importance of king safety
5 Opening files to expose Black's uncastled King
6 Pawn sacrifice to keep Black's King from castling
7 Bishop sacrifice to open files against Black's castled King
8 Pawn storm
DVD 2: Learn How to Create a Plan in the
Opening, Middle and Endgame
separately for $24
Runtime 1 hour 10 minutes
1 King's Indian Defense
2 Meran Defense
3 Dutch Stonewall Defense
4 Queen's Gambit Exchange Carlsbad Variation
5 Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
6 French Defense
7 Sicilian Dragon
8 Pawn Endgame
9 Knight vs. Bishop
10 Bishop Endgame
11 Rook Endgame
12 Queen Endgame
13 Teresa Needham vs. Susan Polgar
14 Susan Polgar vs. Ramayrat
15 Susan Polgar vs. Ljubojevic
16 Susan Polgar vs. Paunovic
17 Botvinnik vs. Capablanca
18 Smyslov vs. Kasparov
DVD 3: Essential Chess Tactics and
separately for $24
Runtime 52 minutes
1 Fork
2 Pin
3 Skewer
4 Discovered Attack/Check
5 Double Check
6 Trapping Pieces
7 Removing the Guard
8 Intermediate Move
9 Pawn Promotions
10 Back Rank Problem
11 Smothered Mate
12 Stalemate
13 Perpetual Checks
14 Pattern Recognition
DVD 4:
Learn How to Avoid Opening Traps and Pitfalls
separately for $24
Runtime 1 hour 49 minutes
1 Avoid Scholar's Mate - NN vs. Susan Polgar, Budapest 1976
2 Legall's Mate 18th Century
3 Moving the f Pawn, Fritz vs. NN 1885
4 Danish Opening - Barnett vs. Eastwood 1949
5 Paul Morphy vs. Charles Paris 1858: Most famous and greatest short game
6 Reti vs. Tartakower, Vienna 1910
7 Fischer vs. Reshevsky, USA Championship New York 1958
8 Kwatschewsky vs. Susan Polgar, Vienna 1986
9 Caro vs. Lasker, Berlin 1890
10 Christiansen vs. Karpov, Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee 1993
11 Veich vs. Penrose, Buxton 1950
12 Litvinov vs. Veresov,
13 Susan Polgar vs. Vujcic 2003
14 Lasker vs. Thomas, London Blitz 1912
DVD 5:
Bobby Fischer's Most Brilliant Instructional Games and Combinations
separately for $24
Runtime 1 hour 59 minutes
Donald Byrne vs. Fischer 1956, one of Bobby's most famous games
2 Fischer vs. Robatsch 1962, attack with opposite side castling
3 Robert Byrne vs. Fischer 1963, How to develop, open the position and use
the inaccuracies of your opponent
4 Fischer vs. U. Geller 1968, King's Indian attack, making a plan, open files
5 Fischer vs. Tigran Petrosian 1971, Isolated Pawn
6 Bobby Fischer's Greatest Combinations

Susan Polgar
analyzing with Bobby Fischer
Special Package - GM Susan Polgar's DVDs Volumes 1,2,3,4,5
Order for $97

Guarantee: If you don't think these DVDs have strengthened your game the
very first time you view them, return them for a refund.